Rejuvenate Finance upgrades to V2! Refund Protocol, Liquidity Incentive Program and Tokenomics

London, UK, January 31, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) –  Rejuvenate Finance, a philanthropic cryptocurrency project, has announced an upgrade to their smart contract that will bolster their ecosystem.

Their upgrade to V2 brings new features to the Rejuvenate ecosystem, the Refund Protocol and Liquidity Incentive Program. The Refund Protocol will serve as the foundation for their philanthropic ecosystem. Partnered DeFi projects will be able to lock away part or all of their liquidity through the Refund Protocol, ensuring their investors funds are secured by a third-party, Rejuvenate Finance. By locking away their liquidity through the Protocol, projects will provide their investors peace of mind that they will not be left empty handed should the project fail or face a catastrophe such as a hack. Investors in the partnered protocols will also benefit as holders of $RJVF with yet to be announced incentives.

The Liquidity Incentive Program will reward Rejuvenate investors with additional benefits beyond the normal yield farm rewards. Investors will be rewarded for giving back to the crypto community through Rejuvenate. Upcoming announcements will provide further details on the benefits of the Program and the amount of the investors that can participate as spaces will be limited.

Along with the V2 announcement, a partnership with Vault Finance has been secured and RJVF is available on their Novation exchange as part of their sell-less exchange. This also allows for dynamic tokenomics which will generate fees for buybacks, marketing, etc. Vault Finance has built a revolutionary DEX that will support the Rejuvenate ecosystem as it grows and provide unmatched benefits to investors.

These upcoming features and new partnership will help to further the reach of the Rejuvenate Finance ecosystem. Rejuvenate has built an infrastructure which integrates existing DeFi products and strategies in a seamless and cost-effective way. The fees generated through these services will be channeled back to the Rejuvenate holders, much of whom have suffered from hacks, rugpulls and/or scams. Through staking, holders will have a voice as they will be able to vote on future recovery efforts for the victims of nefarious acts.

After the collapse of LUNA and UST, the Rejuvenate team felt it was time to create a project that would bring peace and support to the crypto community. We must take care of our own” is their motto, which they keep in mind as they continue to build out their ecosystem. What started as a simple approach to provide some relief for victims, is turning into a fully fledged ecosystem with services for all levels of investors.

Rejuvenate Finance CEO Sarp says, One of the main issues with the current state of crypto is the insane number of malicious actors. Were here to help investors who suffered and prevent future suffering. Ive always been affected by the numerous investors who fall victim to rug pulls and other scams. Rejuvenate is affording me the opportunity to bring a caring attitude into the crypto space.”

TL;DR: Rejuvenate Finance aims to make DeFi a safer and positive space by providing trusted and proven services all within one profitable platform while being charitable. Their mission of bringing a brighter future for DeFi will be ensured by combating the malicious actors currently running rampant throughout communities. Through the multiple offering of their financial suite, they will protect investors from financial ruin. The migration to V2 will further the Rejuvenate ecosystem allowing more opportunities to provide relief to investors. We must take care of our own” will be a mindset not only for the team but investors as well.


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