Created with the ultimate goal of increasing venture capital deal flow, OutFlow’s latest deal origination solution streamlines the process of identifying and screening potential investments using outbound marketing strategies and sophisticated data analysis. Clients can benefit from a hands-off approach, outsourcing the most time-consuming steps of deal sourcing to OutFlow.
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The announcement coincides with a recent Forbes article, stating that the venture capital outlook is strong for 2023, with international VC opportunities expected to further increase. Another trend predicted by Forbes’ experts is VC investors’ transition from rapid investment strategies to a more conservative, long-term approach due to the oversaturation of the startup market and ongoing inflation concerns.
Aware of these trends, OutFlow emphasizes the importance of efficient pipeline management and consistent deal sourcing for staying competitive in turbulent and uncertain markets. The company developed an innovative approach to sourcing leads, focusing on both quality and quantity.
The first step of the process is the identification of target parameters, which may include industry, company size, geographical location, and other factors. The company then creates multichannel campaigns to find suitable prospects. The database is vetted and verified to ensure the opportunities match the investment strategy, and is handed over to the client. OutFlow can also contact the prospects on the client’s behalf to arrange a meeting.
“Stop spending endless hours digging through databases, subscribing to the “latest” tool, and chasing down leads,” said a company representative. “Let us do the heavy lifting of finding the right prospect, making contact, and securing meetings and conversations. You need to do what you do best; close deals.”
OutFlow’s website features several case studies, showcasing successful campaigns and the results their clients achieved. Focus Bankers, a middle market investment bank, hired the company to manage specific sector-based outreach and the sales pipeline. OutFlow tested three different outreach methods to determine the most efficient one. As a result of its highly-targeted campaigns with sector-centric data and careful outreach strategy, the client closed a 35 million deal.
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