Structured Manifestation Course For Seniors With Goal Setting Focus Launched

The five-week course, which is called ‘Project Manage Your Manifestations: Manifesting for the Goal-Oriented’, focuses on both goal setting and the subconscious narratives that affect the way people think, feel, and act. Meditating Human has developed the new course specifically for seniors, who may be feeling emotionally and spiritually adrift and directionless in this new post-career stage of their life.

More information is available at

Their new structured manifestation course for seniors has been launched in the wake of a series of recent studies about the value of goal setting for seniors. As one such article on Senior Life explained, goal setting gives older individuals a renewed sense of purpose, direction, and accomplishment. It can also improve both physical and mental health, relationships and overall quality of life.

Meditating Human appreciates that one’s life tends to shift gears post retirement, but they believe that it can still be full of wishes, manifestations and goals, both big and small.

Their new course will be run by the platform’s head Tiffany Antoine, MBA, CLSSBB, PMP, who believes that meditation is a beneficial framework for an individual to envision and attain the life they desire, at any age.

In essence, ‘Project Manage Your Manifestations’ will help participants to clearly identify what they want for the coming years, and why. From there, Antoine will help individuals to build their manifestation framework, which is to say, to develop the patterns and structures that will allow them to more clearly and specifically envision and articulate their goals.

Then, integrating the principles of meditation, Meditating Human will help participants to ‘raise their vibration’, or to welcome what they are manifesting, which may involve changing their subconscious narratives. Then, finally, participants will develop a specific plan of action that will help them get what they want.

Tiffany Antoine for Meditating Human believes that this step-by-step individualized program will allow seniors to reorient themselves and face their future with more optimism, while also improving their spirituality, improving their physical and mental health and increasing their energy.

A spokesperson for the online spiritual wellness platform said, “Our practical spirituality coaching provides people with easy-to-use techniques to achieve success in all areas of their life. We help you to identify limiting beliefs and rewrite your narrative. As practical spirituality coaches, we use tools such as the Law of Attraction and the power of your subconscious mind to help you to obtain your goals.”

More details can be found at

Meditating Human

619 Sealofts Dr
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United States

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