Online Course Creation From Scratch | Community Strategies Program Launched

The new Course From Scratch (CFS) program has been created to provide business-minded individuals with the knowledge they need to create an online community around their product or service. Course materials are delivered daily through a live-service instructional model, with instructors providing real-time instruction and feedback.

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This new 60-day program has been designed to walk participants through the process of skill monetization through the creation of courses and community strategies. The knowledge they impart is intended to be applicable in all fields, and allows entrepreneurs to teach the skills they have learned over their careers to the next generation of professionals.

Guidance provided by the CFS program is intended to help course creators design around a budget, specifically regarding the tech and material required for success. According to the instructors, participants will work through the process of determining their “MVC”, or Minimum Viable Course – helping them to create a course that fits their budgetary needs.

One satisfied CFS student said, “It just feels so good to be considered an authority as a woman. Women from all over come to me to learn dropshipping. I launched my MVC. I’m finally in a position where people are respecting me for my honesty, my struggles and for my true self.”

Following the recent mass migration to online learning, the market for online courses has ballooned to over 150 billion dollars in 2021. Especially in fields like business and ecommerce, demand for instructional, community-driven content has risen exponentially in the past 5 years.

With this in mind, CFS has been built to help interested parties craft courses that stand out in an increasingly competitive market through the use of a number of proven strategies. These strategies are beginner-friendly and intentionally low-tech in order to lower the cost of entry and maximize potential growth.

The founder and director of CFS, Danielle Leslie, has been operating ecommerce businesses in Silicon Valley for over a decade, and has designed the program with that experience at the forefront. Her knowledge and candid instructional style has allowed her to help hundreds of entrepreneurs monetize their knowledge in the same way that she has been able to do.

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Course From Scratch
[email protected]

300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor PMB 278

United States

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