“Infinite Love”, by Shima Shad Rouh, will be ready to download on amazon for valentine´s day 14/02/2023 for ONLY 2.99$!

Infinite Love by Shima Shad Rouh is available now globally on amazon

Infinite Love, My journey to better Health, Relationships and Finances applying a Scientific-Spiritual Approach by Shima Shad Rouh is now available www.amazon.com/Infinite-Love-Relationship-Finances-Scientific-Spiritual-ebook/dp/B0BS747TLK

Marbella, Malaga Feb 13, 2023 (Issuewire.com) – “Infinite Love” is a fascinating and inspiring memoir by Shima Shad Rouh. Born during the war between Iran and Iraq in Tehran, Shima’s life was marked by extraordinary challenges and a lifelong dedication to finding solutions for human suffering. Through her journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, she developed powerful tools that have transformed her own life and the lives of many others.

In this book, Shima shares her ideology and teachings, which she crafted through years of in-depth research in science and spirituality. She addresses essential questions such as:

  • Who are we?
  • What is our purpose here? How can we live to our fullest potential and
  • manifest our desired outcomes?
  • How can we improve our health and set our bodies on auto-healing mode?
  • How can we break free from financial blockages and create sustainable wealth?
  • How can we experience true love in our relationships?
  • How can we create a peaceful world in a practical and enhanced way?
  • And, how can we look within and ask our “inner guru” for guidance?

Shima’s masterful way with words and her remarkable ability to set vivid scenes invites the reader to live the memoir.

Each teaching in the book is accompanied by simple and easy-to-apply exercises to help readers on their journey of self-mastery and spiritual growth.

This ambitious and powerful work is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their overall quality of life and make a positive impact in the world.

About the Author,

Shima is a business and life empowerment coach, trauma therapist, and the founder of the “Infinite Love” Coaching Academy and Holistic Health Resort. With a master’s degree in education and additional training in NLP, leadership, relationship coaching, and quantum physics, she has dedicated her career to helping people overcome adversity and improve their quality of life. A fluent speaker of four languages and a world traveller with over 20 years of international experience, Shima brings a unique perspective to her work as a dynamic Entrepreneur.

Discover more: www.shimashadrouh.com


Here you can read some of the reviews

Hamed5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book, real game-changer

Reviewed in the United Kingdom, on 18 January 2023″

I found this book to be a real game-changer. The author’s personal journey to better health, relationships, and finances was relatable and inspiring. The blend of science and spirituality in her approach was unique and provided a holistic perspective on self-improvement. The author’s ability to break free from financial blockages and create sustainable wealth was truly remarkable. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a guide to self-mastery, spiritual growth, and financial prosperity.”

patricia5.0 out of 5 stars

A Revolutionary book! Reviewed in Spain, on January 22, 2023, Verified Purchase This book is going to be my bible. Although I have already read it once, there are so many resources, perspectives, and exercises that can help to improve my life in so many ways. Highly recommended if you are looking for new ways to improve your life.

Sania5.0 out of 5 stars A book that can transform your life! Reviewed in Spain, on 15 January 2023Verified Purchase

I have been amazed at the richness and quality of the content in this book. I haven’t found any book so profound and transformative as “Infinite love” for quiet a long time now.
Just looking at the table of contents you can see how many topics have been attended here, and each one is based on the true story of the author. Very engaging, informative, and game-changing! I know that I will keep coming back to this in different stages of my life and use it as a reference in various areas. It will definitely take time to understand the true meanings behind this masterpiece. Highly recommended!

Shima Shad Rouh Author of Infinite Love My journey to better health relationships and financesInfinite Love by Shima Shad Rouh is available  now on KindleShima Shad Rouh Author of Infinite Love

Media Contact

Shima Shad Rouh

[email protected]

Oasis Business Centre, Office 9


Source :Shima Shad Rouh

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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