The company hopes that this curriculum update will give more early childhood educators access to their structured program which infuses emotional intelligence education with the science of hope. “My Best Me” was certified by the University of Oklahoma Hope Research Center because it provides students and teachers with practical tools that nurture hope and encourage resilient behaviors.
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With this update, preschools and kindergartens can obtain and implement Hope Rising’s Kinder Class Pack version of the “My Best Me” curriculum. This age and grade-appropriate pack includes interactive student workbooks and editable student worksheets, a teacher guide, access to online teacher training and support, and more.
According to recent studies, young children’s understanding of their emotions and the emotions of others, and their ability to efficiently express and regulate their emotions, all play an integral role in their overall cognitive development. Children with high emotional competence have higher success rates in the classroom and are more prepared for socializing and building healthy relationships.
“My Best Me” teaches students how to be hopeful by approaching all aspects of personal and academic life with positive thinking and goal-setting. Students learn to understand their identity and the role they play in relationships, how to maintain their emotional, mental, and physical health, and what it means to be a positive community member, among other things.
About Hope Rising
With its award-winning “My Best Me” curriculum, Hope Rising strives to make emotional intelligence an everyday part of K-12 classrooms across the country. The company garnered the expertise and input of dozens of authors, child specialists, emotional intelligence experts, and consultants to create the world’s first hope-certified emotional intelligence curriculum. Hope Rising offers additional education on EI-related issues through its original blog content on its website.
“Schools using My Best Me for two years or more indicate a strong uptrend in positive outcomes, including an increase in graduation rates, improved grades, and greater respect for authority,” said one spokesperson for the company. “Conversely, schools using the curriculum see a strong downward trend in negative outcomes, such as suicides, unwanted teen pregnancies, absenteeism, bullying, in-school violence, disciplinary action, and suspensions.”
Interested parties can learn more and contact Hope Rising by visiting
Hope Rising
3750 West Main Street
Suite AA
United States